Benefits Leaves and Fruit Srikaya for Treatment

Buah SrikayaBenefits Leaves and Fruit Srikaya for Treatment 
Sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) is a fruit crop that has many names in various regions in Indonesia. Some call ruby ​​star, all-star, Sarikaya, seraikaya, serkaya, surikaya, srikawis, sarkaja, serakaja, sirikaja, garoso, ata, auto- soe Walanda, sirikaya, sirikaja, and hirikaya. If somewhere there is fruit sugar apple is called what?Advertisement
From the shape of the fruit and leaves, sugar apple glance is similar to soursop fruit. So even the usefulness, if the soursop leaves efficacious for traditional medicine, the leaves and fruit srikaya even so. In fact, almost all parts of the plant this srikaya useful as a drug.

Benefits Leaves Srikaya

fruit SrikayaThe leaves are used to treat coughs, fever, rheumatism, lowers blood uric acid levels are high, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse in children, deworming, flea head, external use for ulcers, sores, boils, scabies, scabies and eczema. Example usage:
Ulcers and boilsWash the fresh leaves to taste, then milled until smooth. Add a little salt, then use this herb for plaster and dressing the ulcer. In one day, replace 2-3 times.
Suddenly collapsed, calming hysterical patientsWash the fresh leaves to taste, then mash until smooth. Bring mill last leaf on the nose of the patient to smell inhaled by the patient.
Intestinal worms in childrenWash the leaves of fresh sugar apple (15 pieces), then boiled with five cups of water until the remaining three glasses. Once cool, strain and drink three times a day, each one glass.
IndigestionWash the leaves srikaya fresh taste, milled until smooth, then add coconut oil to taste. Stick it on the abdomen.
ScabiesWash the leaves of fresh sugar apple (15 pieces), then milled until smooth. Squeeze the water whiting one teaspoon and use it to rub the skin scabies. Do it twice a day.

Benefits of Seeds and Fruits Srikaya

The seeds can also be used to cope with weak digestion, deworming, and turning off head lice and insects. Young soursop fruit is used to treat diarrhea, acute dysentery and indigestion (dyspepsia atonik) .Here is an example of its use:
Eradicate fleasBathe your dog fleas with water decoction of the leaves or seeds srikaya.The trick, finely crushed leaves or seeds srikaya, add enough water, then strain the water and use for washing the dog.
Deadly head liceWash the sugar apple seeds (10 grains) and leaves of fresh sugar apple (1 handful), then milled until smooth. Add a little oil, then toss well. Turapkan on the scalp, then wrap with a cloth. After three hours, go and wash thoroughly. Do not let the rinse water gets into the eye can cause irritation and inflammation.
ripen boilsTake the contents of the fruit is ripe, then finely minced. Add a little salt, stirring evenly, Turapkan on the boil, then wrapped with gauze.

Benefits Roots and Bark

Its roots are used to treat constipation, dysentery, acute mental depression, and back pain. Bark used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and bleeding wounds. Example Usage:
DiarrheaWash skin stem srikaya (6-10 g), cut into small pieces, then add brown sugar to taste. Boil four cups of water until the remaining half. Once cool, strain and drink twice a day, each one glass.record

Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking boiled sugar apple fruit seeds.
Be careful when drinking boiled seeds, bark and roots of sugar apple because they contain toxins.
Only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist.If explored further, in Indonesia it is a lot of plants that have medicinal properties. One is srikaya, as well as fruit plants can also be used as an herb for treatment.

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