Someone who is easy or often experience itching in the body are usually termed as people who have sweet blood or in medical terms "Prurigo". People with sweet blood also claimed to be very attractive to mosquitoes naughty. Well for those of you who are now looking for alternative Treatments For Blood Sweet Naturally, here we provide QNC Jelly Gamat herbal medicine as well as selection of the right solution for you who want to quickly recover from this disease. Let us recognize apasih sweet blood disease and its treatment now!
According to medical experts, the term sweet blood less appropriate. Prurigo is a term that is considered more appropriate for the itchiness. Prurigo likely to strike boys than girls, but it is unclear why. Prurigo can infect a person at the age of 2 years, but not the least is also infected by the age of 5 years. Sweet blood disease is considered to be an inherited disease, where if the parents have the disease is most likely their children will also be exposed to sweet blood.
Knowing talent sweet blood (prurigo):
To find talent this disease can be seen when a blood test, people with sweet blood will have a type of white blood cell that amount eosinophyl more in normal conditions. Because the disease usually appear during the age of the children, the best thing you should do is a sweet blood disease prevention is not often arise. In order not to cause scars on the skin, if the disease attacks it must be prevented as early as possible.
Pimple that seukurang pins are characteristic sweet if blood appears. Body parts are often attacked by itching sweet blood was on the forehead, cheeks, skin limbs, abdominal skin, forearms and buttocks. These foci will cause itching is very severe and make the sufferer to scratch continuously causing body scars, skin disorders continued. As a result, the skin will appear a kind of crust that is darker, then followed by the appearance of ulcers. If the ulcer is healed, then there will be black spots are hard to lose.
Internal factors: emotional stress and other psychological factors
External factors: insect bites, contact with allergens, physical factors such as heat, cold and light
Factors hormonal / endocrine
Food and drug allergy
Infections: tonsillitis and chronic sinusitis
Iron deficiency anemia
80% of patients sweet blood have a family history of atopic dermatitis, asthma or allergies
Choose baby soap that contains a lot of moisturizer
Use a moisturizer on hand
Avoid using soap containing antiseptic because it will make the skin more dry
Keep the itchy area of scratching or friction
Typically to use clothing to cover arms and legs and gunakanpakaian that absorbs sweat. Avoid clothes that triggers itchy wool seperto
Those are some tips you can do so not susceptible to disease sweet blood. But other than that, we encourage you to jjuga herbs QNC Jelly Gamat trust as a Treatment For Blood Sweet Naturally powerful, secure and certainly not cause harmful side effects to the body. Want to know how to work QNC Jelly Gamat in overcoming the sweet blood? Here's the explanation.
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