Benefits of Avocados Fruits and Seeds for Health

Benefits of Avocados Fruits And Seeds For Health

Buah Alpukat dan Bijinya is a fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Besides it is very tasty, avocados are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Ripe avocado fruit commonly used as juice or eaten alone together with sugar and honey.Advertisement 
In alupkat fruit is often called avocado contains at least 11 vitamins and 14 minerals that are beneficial. Avocados are rich in protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), potassium (potassium), and vitamin C. The Jam, avocados also contain omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health, lowering cholesterol and food for brain. 
However, not only the fruit is beneficial. Seeds and leaves of the avocado is also often used as ingredients for traditional medicine. For example to treat bladder stones, high blood pressure, headaches to diabetes. 

Here are some of the properties of avocado and avocado seeds for health and traditional medicine:Benefits of Fruit Avocados

  1. Treating ThrushAvocado fruit and seedsTake one ripe avocado, rake the flesh was then given 2 tablespoons pure honey, stirring evenly distributed and eaten. Do it every day until cured. This is a delicious way to treat thrush.
  2. Overcoming dry skinFlesh of an avocado is ripe pulverized until like mush. Then, the dough is used to mask, by means of a dry rub on the face. Allow about 2 hours, then rinse your face with cold water.
  3. Sick cavitiesTake one seed akpukat, then pounded until smooth. Use a small amount of avocado seed powder and insert into the cavities. Or you can also use cotton and fitted into cavities.
  4. Swelling due to inflammationAvocado fruit seeds are dried, then pounded until smooth. Take the powder of avocado seed to taste, then add a little water until a dough like mush. The dough smeared into the sick body.
  5. DiabetesBeans are roasted over a fire and then cut into small pieces with a machete, then boiled with water until the water becomes brown. Strain and drink the water after a cold.
  6. ShinePuree a ripe avocado, then mix with yogurt, an egg, a half teaspoon of rosemary oil and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Then make a mask for your hair. Allow approximately 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. 
Okay, he benefits of avocado and avocado seeds for health and beauty. Do not forget to read also articles on the benefits of avocado leaves as traditional medicine to increase your insight

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