Cancer symptoms

Cancer symptoms

It is not easy to recognize a sign or symptoms until the cancer is suspected. cancer in its early stages usually does not cause symptoms. Cancer symptoms will appear when they progressed to the next stage. We will give you a glimpse of some of the symptoms that warrant concern as a forerunner of cancer.

Common symptoms of cancer

  1. Lumps that grow The common signs of cancer is a lump of meat that is grown. Unusual lumps found in the breast, neck, armpits or other body parts. Lumps are usually not painful when pressed. The pain will arise when the lump had grown bigger.
  2. Indeed, not all lumps are cancer. Therefore, we need the observation of about one to three months to figure it out (observation period). Lumps of cancer is possible as if the size is large semakib and accompanied with symptoms worsening.
  3. Hospitals that do not get better Some types of cancer such as lung cancer and ovarian cancer showed no visible lumps. This is difficult in the early detection examination. Patients usually feel keaskitan when benjola has started to swell. As a result, the patient's illness confusion because often arise or increase physical state deteriorated even been treated with various drugs or antibiotics.
  4. Some common symptoms are pain from cancer as follows:- Sores or ulcers are difficult to heal- Expenditure abnormal blood from the nose, mouth, genitals or anus- A cough that gets worse- Sound turns into a permanently hoarse- CHAPTER Disorders (diarrhea or constipation)- Discomfort in the abdomen or hips- Disruption in the process of urination- Changes in the shape, size or color of a mole
  5. Drastic decrease in body weight Cancer patients typically experience a decrease in body weight drastically in a short time without a definite cause. For example, a decrease in body weight of 10 kg in a short time (1-3 months) without any effort from the patient's diet. It is meriting further suspected cancer symptoms.
  6. When cancer cells multiply uncontrollably developing States, the flow of blood and air flow will be impeded. As a result, healthy cells are starving en masse. No wonder if a patient with advanced cancer memilii usually very thin body.
  7. Chemotherapy or drugs can be used dnegan good or bad. All depends on how it is used. Indeed, the doctor wants the patient's recovery more than anything. If the patient recovered mean doctors have successfully done their job well.
  8. If the patient equip yourself with this knowledge, doctors hope you can be patient and be smart and critical discussion colleagues reliable for physicians with the ultimate goal of a successful treatment

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