Benefits of Red and White Dragon Fruit for Health first I thought the fruit is a fruit native of mainland China, because the fruit is always there in every ritual customs of the Chinese people. But after searching further, buh called latin Hylocereus polyrhizus was coming from Central America and spread to Southeast Asia.Advertisement
In general, every red dragon fruit contain protein, fiber, carotene, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin C. The content of nutrients, it makes much sought dragon fruit for consumption.

Dragon Fruit for Health Benefits

Red Dragon FruitDragon fruit is not so long to enter Indonesia. But the benefits of dragon fruit is so great for your health, making it as the fruit is very popular in a short time. Here are some health benefits of dragon fruit:

1. Maintaining healthy bones and teeth

The content of phosphorus and calcium are high in fruit is very good for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Regularly consume this fruit is very good for the elderly to prevent osteoporosis and brittle bones.

2. Preventing diabetes mellitus

Dragon fruit is also believed to prevent the onset of diabetes. This fruit can kill bad cells produced by an unhealthy lifestyle. Besides sugar contained therein is also very small.

3. Inhibits premature aging

High antioxidant content in the dragon fruit helps keep our bodies from free radicals, so as to inhibit the aging process. An anti-oxidant which is owned dragon fruit is believed the same height as antioxidants contained in apples.

4. Prevent Cancer

Just as the benefits of mangosteen peel and benefits of soursop leaves, dragon fruit can also be overcome and prevent cancer.

5. Lowering cholesterol

The content of vitamin B3 contained for this fruit, when consumed on a regular basis may help lower blood cholesterol levels.

6. Smooth the skin

According to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, a traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese culture the dragon fruit is believed to smooth the skin to look more beautiful

7. Boost immunity

Dragon fruit contains vitamin C which can protect the body from various diseases and also good for maintaining the health of our skin.

8. Increased appetite

When you have a toddler that is hard to eat, then eating dragon fruit is believed to increase appetite. This is because in the dragon fruit contains vitamin b1 and b2 which is the raw material supplement for appetite enhancer.

9. Skin dragon fruit

The benefits of this plant is not only located on the fruit. But extracts of leaves and fruit skin can increase the flexibility of blood vessels and inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

Check the outer skin of the dragon fruit. The dragon fruit has a bright pink color and smooth. If there are stains dirty, bruised, or used a knife, should be avoided. Look for the dragon fruit color evenly.
Touch Batah dragon fruit. The stems are tender shows that the dragon fruit is ripe.
Also check the leaves or petals that cover the skin of dragon fruit. They also must be brightly colored with no color brown on the edges.

Such as avocado or mango, dragon fruit is ripe can also be measured by the elasticity flesh. Press your finger into the skin of the dragon fruit, if too hard means the fruit was not yet ripe.
Smell the dragon fruit. If you smell the aroma of tropical light means that the meat inside the skin of the dragon fruit was ripe and sweet.

Place the dragon fruit is purchased at room temperature to ensure ripeness. The ripe fruit is usually pink / pink. After that, you can store ripe dragon fruit in the refrigerator for five days.

Okay, good articles about the benefits of dragon fruit can be useful for all readers. Read also the article on the benefits of papaya and watermelon. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

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