Fruits, Seeds, Leaves and Leaves

Fruits, Seeds, Leaves and Leaves

Watermelon is believed to originate from the Kalahari desert, Africa. According to the researchers, the fruit was first harvested 5000 years ago in Egypt and according to ancestral beliefs at the time, the fruit was used for burial kings in order for their spirits to get nutrients in the afterlife. And that's where watermelons are brought around to countries in the world. Today, we know that those who have been buried clearly can no longer enjoy watermelon nutrition. We are entitled to enjoy delicious and how bergizinya fruit that one piece with the same function with a glass of water. But remember, when consuming a watermelon, the green part near the skin is the most important part that you must follow besides the red / yellow only.
Sometimes this watermelon fruit by women made as a facial cleanser, mentioned in the book ath-Thib An-Nabawi (thibbun nabawi) by Ibn Qayyim this fruit is one of the fruit used as medicine and Rasulullah sholollohu a'laihi wasallam used to consume it.

From the Prophet sholollohu a'laihi wasallambahwa he used to eat watermelon with ruthob (cooking dates), he said, "We neutralize this heat with this cold, cold with this heat.

Its cold and wet nature can clean the stomach, more easily digested than in the cucumber and the like. Even easily soluble in other food elements when met soar. Eaten hot (cooked), very useful. If you eat cold, there are mild side effects that can be neutralized with a bit of ginger or the like. Should be consumed before meals, which is immediately accompanied by eating, otherwise, will cause nausea and vomiting. Some medical circles stated, "when consumed before meals can wash the stomach and eliminate diseases in the stomach.

In traditional Chinese medicine, watermelon is used to fight the form of "summer heat" which is a symptom of disease characterized by a lot of sweat, thirst, increased body temperature, clear urine color, diarrhea and irritability. Fruit or juice relieve these symptoms, increase urine discharge, and cleanse the kidneys. Seeds are sweet, neutral. Efficacious peluruh urine, healthy kidney, soothing on bladder inflammation, and moisturize the intestine.

Watermelon Fruit Content in 100gram:

  1. Protein 0.9 grams.
  2. 11.6 grams of carbohydrate.
  3. Vitamin A 876 IU.
  4. Vitamin C is 12.5 milligrams.
  5. Calcium (Ca) 10.8 milligrams.
  6. Magnesium (Mg) 15.4 milligrams.
  7. Phosphorus (P) 16.9 milligrams.

Function of fruit:

  1. If you are on a diet, then the watermelon is your best friend. The fruit is fat-free and has a combination of limited sugar content and abundant water content. Moreover, this one fruit is fast filling in the stomach.
  2. Watermelon is very good for people with hypertension. High water and potassium content can neutralize blood pressure.
  3. Watermelon also activates the heart's work
  4. Antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C help the body's cells stay healthy.
  5. Watermelon also serves to stimulate the release of urine more rapidly so it is very good for those who experience urinary problems.
  6. Watermelon can be used to reduce fever
  7. Watermelon can prevent canker sores with a powerful
  8. Removing intestinal worms | Boil with a small fire of fresh watermelon (6 tablespoons) with 1 liter of water (45 minutes). After a cold, filtered, and drunk 3 times a day, each of the third part.
  9. High blood pressure | Eat watermelon every day as fresh fruit or juice. A day of drinking 2 glasses of watermelon juice; or medium-sized watermelon fruit taken a quarter of its parts. Make skin juice, seeds and meat, then drink at once.
  10. Fever, dry mouth and thirst, bitter taste in mouth, bad breath, yellow urine, pain during urination, hangover | Eat fresh watermelon flesh sebanvak 500-1000 g. Do it 2-3 times a day.
  11. Heat stroke, weakness, headache due to solar heat and nausea | Watermelon juice to taste. Drink 1-2 cups, repeated 2-3 times a day until it tastes good.

Skin function:

Then what about the content of watermelon skin? Some scientists from the United States (USA), namely Agnes M. Rimandoa and Penelope M. Perkins-Veazie in 2005 have reviewed the content of watermelon skin. From the results of his research proved that watermelon skin rich in sitrulin. Sitrulin is an amino acid. Its name comes from Citrullus, Latin for watermelon, from the first isolated in 1930. So it is clear that sitrulin is also present in watermelon fruit. However, the results showed that the content of citrus on the skin of watermelon more than in the fruit. Here are the results of Agnes M. Rimandoa and Penelope M. Perkins-Veazie research:

The content of sitrulin ranged from 3.9 to 28.5 mg / g dry weight (dwt) and was similar between seed type and seedless species (16.6 and 20.3 mg /

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